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(Editor’s Note: Paula Kelley, who lives at the north end of the Peninsula, has graciously agreed to take over Old Mission Gazette’s “Pets of OMP” column. Thank you, Paula! To that end, she would love to hear from you! If you’d like to have your pet featured in the Gazette, contact Paula at [email protected], and of course, you’re always welcome to contact me, [email protected], and we will make it happen. Read on for more about Paula, including two of her menagerie who’ve already been featured in the Gazette. -jb)
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Hello, Old Mission Peninsula!
Jane has asked me if I would help her with the “Pets of OMP” column, so I thought I would spend a few moments to introduce myself, petwise.
My name is Paula Kelley, and I live at the north end of the Peninsula with an assortment of critters. The Gazette has previously posted articles about two of my dogs: Roxie, The Party Girl and Maverick, a.k.a. “Dingus.”

I also have two other dogs, Henry (a Golden mix) and Dash (a Border Collie/Cocker Spaniel mix), who are also rescues. It’s usually quite a circus around here, and I am grateful for the kindness of my neighbors when the collies start flapping their mouths outside.
I also have an assortment of chickens – and sometimes ducks. My birds are so much fun, and I just keep them as pets, but do enjoy their eggs. Duck eggs especially make really good cakes!
When I think of the critters in my life, I don’t limit myself to just the dogs and chicks. I feel so fortunate to live on the Old Mission Peninsula where wildlife still roams, and the dogs always let me know when the deer herd is crossing the back field.
Sometimes, I will see a fox in the woods if I’m lucky. I usually don’t have too many squirrels in the yard (because … FOUR dogs), but this year there seems to be quite a few who must be new to the neighborhood. Team Dog are continually running to the windows during the day to look for the “squillies” frisking about. I won’t gross you out writing about the one Roxie caught a few weeks ago and gobbled up before I could call her off!
I would love to meet with OMP folks and chat with you about any creatures that exist in your world — your own, your neighbors, the pet chipmunk who steals your bird food, the fox who made a den under your deck, or the birds you hear when walking in our parks.
I will bring my camera, and we can have a photo shoot, as well. There was a post on NextDoor a week or so ago with pet pictures, so I know there are some great critters out there just waiting to have their story told.
The best way to contact me is by email at [email protected]. You can, of course, continue to contact Jane at [email protected], as well.
I’m looking forward to meeting you all!
-Paula Kelley
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SUPPORT YOUR INDEPENDENT LOCAL NEWSPAPER: I started Old Mission Gazette in 2015 because I felt a calling to provide the Old Mission Peninsula community with local news. After decades of writing for newspapers and magazines like the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Family Circle and Ladies' Home Journal, I really just wanted to write about my own community where I grew up on a cherry farm and raised my own family. So I started my own newspaper.
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