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(Editor’s Note: This week, Peninsula Township Supervisor Maura Sanders reports on recent and upcoming township meetings and events. Read on for this week’s note. -jb)
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-Friday, December 13, 2024
The Township has closed out another productive week!
The Town Board accepted my request to form three Ad Hoc Committees, each led by a Trustee. JP Milliken will lead the Budget and Finance Committee. Dave Sanger will lead the Internal Compliance and HR Committee. Isaiah Wunsch will lead the Special Projects Committee (possible examples: survey, road feasibility study, and many more).
We had our very first Land Division Appeal meeting at the Township (view the packet here and here). Kudos to our Assessor and Planner and their staff for presenting the Board with an extremely detailed report in order for the Board to make a decision and move forward on behalf of the appellant.
I attended my first Board of Public Works (BPW) meeting. I look forward to participating on behalf of our residents and their fiduciary interests and the health of the region when it comes to water and sewer. Update from the meeting: The BPW selected their new director after rounds of interviews. This will go to the Grand Traverse County HR department and hopefully, we will have a new director soon!
Updates from Down the Hall:
• Clerk’s Office: Congratulations on a “NEW WORLD RECORD” as they put together and published six Meeting Agendas and Packets. One of these being the largest packet on record in modern history! Well done.
• Treasurer’s Office: The winter tax bills are out. You have the option of paying online (there is a direct link on the Township home page), mailing your payment in, or dropping it off in the secure drop-box in front of the building. If you would like a receipt, just let the Treasurer’s office know.
• Assessor’s office: The Board of Review was held this week.
• Planning and Zoning Office: Four Land Use applications were received; three land use permits were issued; and two site inspections were performed. Plus, an extra heavy lift to prepare the required information for the six meeting packets noted above. Winter certainly does not slow down Township business.
• The Old Mission Women’s Club will host their annual holiday cookie sale tomorrow, Dec. 14, 2024, 8 a.m. at the Peninsula Township Hall. More info here.
• The DNR will hold a virtual presentation on Dec. 16, 3 p.m., regarding changes to the Boat Launch located at the corner of Center Road and East Shore Road (view the plan, which includes an exit on East Shore Road, at the bottom of this post; view the meeting agenda here). Residents are invited to attend the meeting at the Township Hall, where the DNR will be on-screen making the presentation and answering questions. You may also email questions and comments ahead of time to [email protected]. To connect virtually to the meeting, go to Microsoft Teams, Meeting ID: 298 770 443 774, Passcode: PA9NG7Cu, or dial in by phone, +1 (248) 509-0316, Phone conference ID: 955 327 242#
• The Town Board will hold interviews for a Planning Commission vacancy on Monday, Dec. 16, 6 p.m. at the Township Hall. Read more about the applicants here.
• The first meeting of the Agricultural Advisory Committee will take place on Monday, Dec. 16 at 7 p.m. at the Township Hall. View the agenda here.
• The Parks Committee will hold a special meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 17, 3 p.m. at the Township Hall. The agenda includes an update on the Kelley Park Boat Launch, signage for Pelizzari Natural Area, a proposed name change for the Bowers Harbor Park Expansion and more. View the meeting packet here.
As always, check the Peninsula Township website for updates, agendas, meeting minutes and all Departments and Services.
Maura Sanders
Peninsula Township Supervisor
Phone: (231) 223-7323
Email: [email protected]
Office Hours: Mondays 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.; Tuesdays – Thursdays 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.; closed Friday – Sunday and Holidays. If TCAPS is closed due to weather, Peninsula Township offices are closed at least until 10 a.m. Please check the website homepage for any updates.
DNR Boat Launch Plan (Click on Image to Enlarge)
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