Peninsula Township Supervisor Maura Sanders speaks at the January meeting of Peninsula Insights | Jane Boursaw Photo
Peninsula Township Supervisor Maura Sanders speaks at the January meeting of Peninsula Insights | Jane Boursaw Photo
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(Editor’s Note: Peninsula Township Supervisor Maura Sanders reports in with news about zoning applications, the East Bay Boat Launch, a carbon monoxide alarm and more. Big thanks to Maura for these weekly updates that keep us tuned into what’s happening at the Township offices. Read on for this week’s update. -jb)

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January 17, 2025

Hope everyone is getting ready for the big freeze. PSA: Saturday night through Wednesday morning are going to be exceptionally cold. Please keep an eye on your neighbors.

The HR and Compliance ad hoc committee held their first meeting this week. They set some strategic goals:

1) Making sure the Township is compliant with the new Earned Sick Time Act (ESTA), which goes into effect February 21, 2025.

2) Working towards a Township of Excellence designation through the Michigan Townships Association.

The Township Board held a Special Meeting on Monday to continue the community discussion for the proposed upgrades to the DNR East Arm Boat Launch. It was well attended. Several sport fishermen spoke about the importance of the launch and how it impacts the region and access to the Bay. Everyone in the room agreed that the property is in disrepair and needs to be the priority. 

The Grand Traverse County Road Commission was represented, as well as the DNR. They were able to hear a continuation of public comment on the proposed exit onto East Shore Road. All of these comments have been shared with the DNR. We look forward to getting this solved for the benefit of all.

On Wednesday evening, I had a chance to speak at the Peninsula Community Library’s Peninsula Insights series. I was surprised at how well attended the event was, given that it was a freezing cold January night. Thank you to our library for hosting me and allowing me to give a community update. I enjoyed connecting with so many neighbors and answering questions. 

Updates from Down the Hall:

Planning and Zoning Office: Trustee Dave Sanger has agreed to attend to the Township in the Zoning Intake Administrator capacity. All applications, new and currently going through the process, will be addressed by Dave. Once a completed application is submitted to the Township, it will then be reviewed by our Township engineer of record, Gourdie-Fraser, to ensure that it meets all of the standards prior to a permit being issued. We will continue in this capacity for the immediate future. 

Looking Ahead to Next Week:

Tuesday, Jan. 21, is packed: The Agricultural Advisory Committee has their next meeting at 2 p.m. It will be also be streamed on the Township’s YouTube channel. The Budget and Finance ad hoc committee will have their kick-off meeting at 5 p.m. in the Township office conference room. And the Zoning Board of Appeals will be meeting in the Township Hall at 7 p.m. 

On Wednesday morning, I will be representing the Township at the Traverse Transportation Coordinating Initiative (TTCI) Policy Board meeting. (Editor’s Note: The mission of this group is to “provide coordinated leadership and direction for the development and conduct of the continuing, cooperative and comprehensive transportation planning process for the Traverse City urban area.” Learn more here. -jb)

Have a great long weekend, everyone. Note that the Township office will be closed on Monday, Jan. 20, in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. 

Editor’s Note: Maura sent me a photo this morning of her with members of the Peninsula Township Fire Department, after she called them when a carbon monoxide alarm went off in her house. Turns out the culprit was a low battery, so it’s good reminder to check the batteries in the carbon monoxide and smoke alarms in our house.

“All clear,” she said. “They did a full sweep and checked everything. These guys are the best!” Yes, they are! We are very lucky to have them looking after our Township. -jb

Peninsula Township Supervisor Maura Sanders with members of the Peninsula Township Fire Department, responding to a carbon monoxide alarm | Sanders Photo
Peninsula Township Supervisor Maura Sanders with members of the Peninsula Township Fire Department, responding to a carbon monoxide alarm | Sanders Photo

Maura Sanders
Peninsula Township Supervisor
Phone: (231) 223-7323
Email: [email protected]
Office Hours: Mondays 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.; Tuesdays – Thursdays 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.; closed Friday – Sunday and Holidays. If TCAPS is closed due to weather, Peninsula Township offices are closed at least until 10 a.m. Please check the website homepage for any updates.

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