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The sun is shining as I write this – yay! – so that means Spring can’t be far off, right? February is just a few days away, and we’re starting to see more sunshine. Always a welcome sight this time of year.
As we head towards Spring, you might be planning some outdoor activities like a wedding or family reunion or graduation party, and here’s a fun idea for you — hire a mini donkey or two for your upcoming events. And they are right here on the Old Mission Peninsula.
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You can hire them through TC Spirit Donkeys, part of Harper’s Ridge Farm just south of Fire Station #2 on Center Road. Those of us who grew up here might remember it as the Herkner Farm — that iconic farm with the red barn you see as you come over that first hill from town.
Jeff Kane and Cassandra Rossbach bought it a few years back and named it Harper’s Ridge after their daughter, Harper. This family, like other young farmers on the Peninsula, is creating a variety of innovative ways to earn revenue from their farm, from making their own apple cider vinegar and hard cider to wine and wellness drinks. Now they’ve added mini donkey rentals, and they’re so cute.

So if you’ve got an event coming up, why not add a little something special to the festivities? Their adorable mini donkeys come dressed to impress and can serve as a beverage service, roaming photo booth, sign display, card or gift carrier, ring bearer, flower donkey, or even be part of your unforgettable proposal.
To learn more about their donkey packages and pricing, visit their website, TC Spirit Donkeys – Donkey Provisions, email [email protected], or call (231) 492-0652.
And be sure and follow them on Instagram at @tcspiritdonkeys and @mission_peninsula. They are “all ears” and can’t wait to hear from you.

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SUPPORT YOUR INDEPENDENT LOCAL NEWSPAPER: I started Old Mission Gazette in 2015 because I felt a calling to provide the Old Mission Peninsula community with local news. After decades of writing for newspapers and magazines like the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Family Circle and Ladies' Home Journal, I really just wanted to write about my own community where I grew up on a cherry farm and raised my own family. So I started my own newspaper.
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OMG! Love at first site! ❤️