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Advertise With Old Mission Gazette! Access Our 22,000+ Email Subscribers!

Get your message in front of thousands of Old Mission Peninsula residents, visitors, and the Grand Traverse Region! Advertise in Old Mission Gazette’s website and email newsletter.


About Old Mission Gazette

Old Mission Gazette is the daily digital newspaper for the Old Mission Peninsula (OMP), an 18-mile piece of land stretching into Lake Michigan north of Traverse City, Michigan. News, photos, history, vintage OMP recipes – we publish it all.

Owned and published by lifelong OMP resident (and daughter of cherry farmers) Jane Boursaw, the Gazette is the recipient of Red Hot Best (Best Newspaper Reporter) and Northern Michigan Environmental Action Council (Investigative Journalism) awards.

Old Mission Gazette By the Numbers

  • Daily Website Visitors: 85,000
  • Email Newsletter Subscribers: 22,000
  • Email Open Rate: 97%; Click-Throughs: 93%
  • Daily Facebook Views: 54,000
  • Daily Instagram Views: 34,000
  • Daily Twitter Views: 24,000

Old Mission Gazette Links: 

Advertise With Us

  • All ads are included in our newsletter, emailed weekly to 22,000 subscribers, as well as on the website home page and sidebars of each article page.
  • The newsletter include a roundup of stories posted to the Gazette website that week.
  • Advertisers must commit to a minimum of six months.
  • The cost is $3500 per year and must be paid upfront before ads begin. You are welcome to pay every six months ($1750); however, those paying a year in advance will receive a 5% discount ($175; total cost, $3325).

NEW: We also have an OMP Business section now! Advertisers with display ads are automatically included. The cost for a business listing only is $500/year.

7 Reasons to Advertise With Old Mission Gazette

  1. We Amplify Your Business. Daily pageviews on the website average about 85,000, with readers spending an average of 40 minutes on the website per visit. New stories and photos are posted daily. That translates to consistent brand awareness for your business.
  2. Thousands of Email Subscribers See You. More than 22,000 email subscribers receive our weekly newsletter. The open rate is a whopping 97%, and the click-through rate is 93% – far exceeding the national average.
  3. Digital News is Thriving. According to the Pew Research Center, 82% of U.S. adults get their news via online newspapers or social media. While print newspapers and magazines are dying in droves, digital news is expanding by leaps and bounds.
  4. You’re an OMP Insider. We live here, work here and play here. Publisher and Editor Jane Johnson Boursaw is a member of the Old Mission Women’s Club and OMP Historical Society. We also work closely with other OMP groups, including Old Mission Peninsula School, Peninsula Community Library, American Legion Post 399, Mission Point Lighthouse, Peter Dougherty Society, Peninsula Fire Department and local churches.
  5. You’re Supporting a Local Business. Jane was raised in an OMP farm families that goes back six generations. Paired with Jane’s 40-year career as a photojournalist with the New York Times, Los Angeles Times and others, there’s no better way to promote your business to the Old Mission Peninsula and Grand Traverse Region.
  6. We Win Awards. Specifically, the Investigative Journalism Award from the Northern Michigan Environmental Action Council (NMEAC) and Best Newspaper Reporter from Red Hot Best of Northern Michigan.


Join us! Make a great decision for your business and advertise with Old Mission Gazette! Contact Editor Jane Boursaw by emailing [email protected] or calling/texting (231) 590-4715.